Our Services
Renewable & Energy

The Central Energy Trade Hungary Group seeks long-term business opportunities. In addition to meeting the energy needs of its partners, it supports their energy efficiency efforts and cooperates with commissioned energy experts in fulfilling their legal obligations under the Energy Efficiency Act.

Complience: Cet hungary group foolfills all abligations EU compliance and Remit requerements.

Write us:
Energy Trade
CET Solar Alfa, Beta, Gamma Kft.

Renewable Energy

The Central Energy Trade Hungary Group currently has three KÁT licensed power plants. With power plants for the group to promote renewable production and build a sustainable future.

On the basis of the wholesale background, CET Kft. Has taken serious steps to develop the domestic end-user portfolio. It has renewed its bidding and contracting system, strengthened its back office organization, thus providing an affordable, flexible and high quality service to medium and large energy consuming Users. It is better able to meet individual needs and is able to sell standard products and services with high security. info@cethungarycom.

Our Contacts

  • Váci út 45, Budapest, 1134
  • info@cethungary.com
  • +36 20 219 3116
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